It is one of films with high potential to be a sort of personal experience. Or reflection of it. Because, in delicate- magnificent manner , it gives a touching story about family and its strong solidarity, about sibling connections, about personal life in middle of the needs and expectations of the othrs, about nuances of love. Poetic in profound sense, it is , obvious, more than a good film. The performances are great and the job of Darlene Cates impressive in high manner. It is that film being more a so familiar song or poem or ball of memories. Because, it is just a large mirror of soul states, small, basic experiences .
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
The first time I saw this film, I had yet to know the name Leonardo DiCaprio. And I was stunned. Is that actor really retarded or what? His acting is so excellent, you don't need to doubt why he got to be so big.But all others perform real well also. I have always had an eye for Depp's acting, and Lewis is, like always, little. The new thing is that she's kind and caring.This is a great film, and if nothing else, watch it because a swede directed it.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
As many have said, the first time I saw this slice of "unusual" life film, I was certain that the actor playing Arnie was mentally handicapped. This was the performance to end all. I have been around mentally challenged people who were the carbon copy of the character that Leonardo portrayed. I do no think that anyone else could have pulled this off without looking ridiculous. Our protagonist, Mr. Johnny Depp did his usual amazing work, but it is the performance by Leo that makes this film a must see. I just saw it again tonight, and was blown away again. Acting schools must have copies of this in their files!! Will always be a Leo fan for this one film alone.